Abraham, Joanna
EnhanCed HandOffs (ECHO)
This research will develop and evaluate a machine learning-augmented and telemedicine-augmented sociotechnical intervention for postoperative handoffs to reduce the risks of patient complications and improve patient-centered care.
Risk factors associated with medication ordering errors.
Predicting self-intercepted medication ordering errors using machine learning.
TELE-TOC Telehealth Education Leveraging Electronic Transitions of Care for COPD Patients
This research will study the effectiveness of a virtual in-home program designed to reduce hospital readmissions among COPD patients post-hospitalization.
An Etiology for Medication Ordering Errors in Computerized Provider Order Entry Systems - Final Report
An Etiology for Medication Ordering Errors in Computerized Provider Order Entry Systems
This research assessed the etiology of medication ordering errors, finding that errors stemmed from multi-level risk factors and showing the utility of a void alert tool to prospectively capture the broad range of errors that may occur in practice that may be missed by using traditional retrospective error reporting methods.