Dorr, David
Provider perspectives on patient- and provider-facing high blood pressure clinical decision support.
Patient-facing clinical decision support for high blood pressure control: Patient survey.
Collaboration-Oriented Approach to Controlling High Blood Pressure (COACH)
This research will refine an existing interoperable, patient-facing blood pressure control tool--the Collaboration Oriented Approach to Controlling High Blood Pressure (COACH) application--evaluate its implementation into three diverse clinical settings; conduct a randomized trial to assess its impact on lowering blood pressure; and develop a shareable, interoperable mechanism to aid in the dissemination of patient-facing clinical decision support tools.
Assessing data adequacy for high blood pressure clinical decision support: A quantitative analysis.
Translating Hypertension Guidelines into Practice: Development of Interoperable Clinical Decision Support - Final Report
Translating Hypertension Guidelines into Practice: Development of Interoperable Clinical Decision Support
This research developed the Collaboration Oriented Approach for Controlling HBP (COACH) tool that incorporates high blood pressure (HBP) recommendations along with known best practices for patient engagement for management of HBP.