Gold, Jeffrey Allen

Sex differences in electronic health record navigation strategies: secondary data analysis.

Principal Investigator

The impact of electronic health record-based simulation during intern boot camp: interventional study.

Principal Investigator

Impact of passive laboratory alerts on navigating electronic health records in intensive care simulations

Principal Investigator

Electronic Health Record Solutions for Accurate Reporting of Data on Interprofessional Intensive Care Unit Rounds - Final Report

Principal Investigator

Use of a novel, electronic health record-centered, interprofessional ICU rounding simulation to understand latent safety issues.

Principal Investigator

Use of simulation based on an electronic health records environment to evaluate the structure and accuracy of notes generated by medical scribes: proof-of-concept study.

Principal Investigator

Professional and interprofessional differences in electronic health records use and recognition of safety issues in critically ill patients.

Principal Investigator

Electronic Health Record Solutions for Accurate Reporting of Data on Interprofessional Intensive Care Unit Rounds


This research identified the data domains at greatest risk of communication errors during intensive care unit (ICU) patient rounds, developed the ability to conduct simulated ICU rounds for research and training, and found that there is a need for real-time simultaneous reviewing of data by all members of the rounding team to reduce communication errors.

Grant Number
R01 HS023793
Principal Investigator(s)