Gustafson, David H.

Digital Healthcare Innovations to Engage and Empower Patients in Their Care

Event Date

AHRQ hosted a presentation highlighting how patient engagement in healthcare allows patients and their families to make well-informed decisions about their care and can lead to measurable improvements in safety and quality. Increased knowledge and understanding encourages patients to become active participants in their own care, and physicians are better able to treat patients in the most effective way possible, ultimately creating time and cost savings.

Using smart displays to implement an eHealth system for older adults with multiple chronic conditions: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial.

Principal Investigator

Effect of an eHealth intervention on older adults' quality of life and health-related outcomes: a randomized clinical trial.

Principal Investigator

Use of Health IT for Aging Adults

Event Date
Presenters discussed technologies designed to integrate the home context with clinical data to improve care planning for aging adults, as well as technologies that provide health information, resources, and tools to connect aging adults with families, providers, and peers to aid in healthy aging.

The effect of an information and communication technology (ICT) on older adults’ quality of life: study protocol for a randomized control trial.

Principal Investigator