Hettinger, Aaron Zachary

Estimating the frequency of automated dispensing cabinet discrepancy safety events using Markov models.

Principal Investigator

Clinician perceptions on the use of free-text communication orders.

Principal Investigator

Addressing chronic pain through patient- and clinician-facing clinical decision support: Practice implementation guide

Principal Investigator

Addressing chronic pain through patient- and clinician-facing clinical decision support: Technical implementation guide

Principal Investigator

Improving Patient Safety and Clinician Cognitive Support Through eMAR Redesign – Final Report

Principal Investigator

A systematic review of quantitative methods for evaluating electronic medication administration record and bar-coded medication administration usability.

Principal Investigator

"Are we there yet?" Ten persistent hazards and inefficiencies with the use of medication administration technology from the perspective of practicing nurses.

Principal Investigator

Ten best practices for improving emergency medicine provider-nurse communication.

Principal Investigator

Modeling patient-related workload in the emergency department using electronic health record data.

Principal Investigator