Kawamoto, Kensaku

Patient perspectives on a patient-facing tool for lung cancer screening.

Principal Investigator

Implementation of lung cancer screening in primary care and pulmonary clinics: Pragmatic clinical trial of electronic health record-integrated everyday shared decision making tool and clinician-facing prompts.

Principal Investigator

Considerations for using predictive models that include race as an input variable: The case study of lung cancer screening.

Principal Investigator

The SIMPLE architectural pattern for integrating patient-facing apps into clinical workflows: Desiderata and application for lung cancer screening.

Principal Investigator

Considerations for using predictive models that include race as an input variable: The case study of lung cancer screening.

Principal Investigator

Methods for using race and ethnicity in prediction models for lung cancer screening eligibility.

Principal Investigator

Implementation of lung cancer screening in primary care and pulmonary clinics: Pragmatic clinical trial of electronic health record-integrated everyday shared decision making tool and clinician-facing prompts.

Principal Investigator

Transforming Guidelines into Action: Clinical Decision Support at the Point of Care

Event Date

AHRQ hosted a presentation highlighting how panelists implemented patient-focused clinical decision support (CDS) tools using modern, shareable, and interoperable technologies.  During the webinar, expert speakers shared findings from their own research on how CDS tools can present healthcare providers with knowledge and patient-specific information at the point of care to enhance clinical workflow, outcomes, and quality of care.

Establishing a multidisciplinary initiative for interoperable electronic health record innovations at an academic medical center.

Principal Investigator