Snyder, Margie E.

An Evaluation of the Spread and Scale of PatientToc™ from Primary Care to Community Pharmacy Practice for the Collection of Patient-Reported Outcomes – Final Report

Principal Investigator

Integrating Patient-Reported Outcomes into Practice: Benefits, Challenges, and Recommendations for Action

Event Date

Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) have been the subject of research for decades and are increasingly being used in clinical settings. Commonly defined as any report of the status of a patient’s health condition as reported directly by the patient, providers report that PROs have the potential to enhance patient engagement and shared decision-making when integrated into clinical care. However, difficulties exist for providers, the healthcare team, and patients.

Preparing for the spread of patient-reported outcome (PRO) data collection from primary care to community pharmacy: a mixed-methods study.

Principal Investigator

A user-centered evaluation of medication therapy management alerts for community pharmacists: Recommendations to improve usability and usefulness.

Principal Investigator

An evaluation of the spread and scale of PatientToc™ from primary care to community pharmacy practice for the collection of patient-reported outcomes: A study protocol.

Principal Investigator

Enhancing Clinical Decision Support Applications for Community Pharmacist-Delivered Medication Therapy Management - Final Report

Principal Investigator

Medication therapy management delivery by community pharmacists: insights from a national sample of Medicare Part D beneficiaries.

Principal Investigator

Alerts for community pharmacist-provided medication therapy management: recommendations from a heuristic evaluation.

Principal Investigator

Role of Health IT to Improve Medication Management

Event Date
This AHRQ webinar addressed the potential of health IT to improve medication monitoring, adherence, and medication therapy management for patients with complex conditions. Presenters discussed a text messaging system for patients with chronic conditions, the effects of a smart pillbox intervention on patient medication adherence after hospital discharge, and recommendations for clinical decision support used by community pharmacists delivering medication therapy management.