Case Study

A case study on language barriers, health literacy, and family interpretation: What is ethical communication?

Principal Investigator

Is the promise of PROMs being realized? Implementation experience in a large orthopedic practice.

Principal Investigator

Establishing a multidisciplinary initiative for interoperable electronic health record innovations at an academic medical center.

Principal Investigator

Evaluation in life cycle of information technology (ELICIT) framework: Supporting the innovation life cycle from business case assessment to summative evaluation.

Principal Investigator

CancelRx implementation: Observed changes to medication discontinuation workflows over time.

Principal Investigator

Enabling Large-Scale Research on Autism Spectrum Disorders Through Automated Processing of EHR Using Natural Language Understanding - Final Report

Principal Investigator

Role network measures to assess healthcare team adaptation to complex situations: the case of venous thromboembolism prophylaxis.

Principal Investigator