
2023 Society for Academic Emergency Medicine consensus conference on precision emergency medicine: Development of a policy-relevant, patient-centered research agenda.

Principal Investigator

Digital health technology to support patient-centered shared decision making at point of care for juvenile idiopathic arthritis.

Principal Investigator

A model of academic-practice collaboration for facilitating informatics capacity and building a learning health system framework in public health.

Principal Investigator

Considerations for using predictive models that include race as an input variable: The case study of lung cancer screening.

Principal Investigator

Estimating the frequency of automated dispensing cabinet discrepancy safety events using Markov models.

Principal Investigator

Using discrete event simulation to design and assess an AI-aided workflow for same-day diagnostic testing of women undergoing breast screening.

Principal Investigator

The SIMPLE architectural pattern for integrating patient-facing apps into clinical workflows: Desiderata and application for lung cancer screening.

Principal Investigator