
Associations between sleep duration and positive mental health screens during adolescent preventive visits in primary care.

Principal Investigator

ASTHMAXcel PRO patient satisfaction and usability field testing.

Principal Investigator

Ambulatory care coordination data gathering and use.

Principal Investigator

Assessing equitable recruitment in a digital health trial for asthma.

Principal Investigator

Validity properties of a self-reported modified frailty phenotype among people with HIV in clinical care in the United States.

Principal Investigator

The ASTHMAXcel PRO mobile application's field testing results in adult patients: Evaluating user characteristics, health literacy, app satisfaction, and adoption.

Principal Investigator

Clinician acceptance of order sets for pain management: A survey in two urban hospitals.

Principal Investigator

The relationship between depressive symptoms, eHealth literacy, and asthma outcomes in the context of a mobile health intervention.

Principal Investigator

Development and pilot evaluation of an electronic health record usability and safety self-assessment tool.

Principal Investigator