Usability Assessment

Dynamic reaction picklist for improving allergy reaction documentation: A usability study.

Principal Investigator

Nutri: A behavioral science-based clinical decision support for chronic disease management.

Principal Investigator

Comparison of evaluation methods for improving the usability of a Spanish mHealth tool.

Principal Investigator

Evaluating and improving the usability of a mHealth platform to assess postoperative dental pain.

Principal Investigator

Comparison of evaluation methods for improving the usability of a Spanish mHealth tool.

Principal Investigator

Improving Patient Safety and Clinician Cognitive Support Through eMAR Redesign – Final Report

Principal Investigator

Integrating clinical decision support into electronic health record systems using a novel platform (EvidencePoint): Developmental study.

Principal Investigator

Patient acceptability and usability of a self-administered electronic patient-reported outcome assessment in HIV care: Relationship with health behaviors and outcomes.

Principal Investigator