Clinical Information System

Addressing chronic pain through patient- and clinician-facing clinical decision support: Practice implementation guide

Principal Investigator

EnhanCed HandOffs (ECHO)


This research will develop and evaluate a machine learning-augmented and telemedicine-augmented sociotechnical intervention for postoperative handoffs to reduce the risks of patient complications and improve patient-centered care.

Grant Number
R01 HS029324
Principal Investigator(s)

Creating a Digital Healthcare Equity Framework With an Accompanying Guide for Its Use


This research developed a Digital Healthcare Equity Framework—an evidence and consensus-based framework that guides users in intentionally considering equity in healthcare solutions that involve digital technologies—and an Implementation Guide that contains best practice examples and relevant resources to help users implement the framework.

Contract Number
75Q80120D00015 / 75Q80121F32002
Principal Investigator(s)

A pilot health information technology-based effort to increase the quality of transitions from skilled nursing facility to home: compelling evidence of high rate of adverse outcomes.

Principal Investigator

State and regional demonstration in health information technology: Indiana - evaluation report.

Principal Investigator