Computerized Provider Order Entry System

CCHS-East Huron Hospital CPOE Project


Created an information management environment that integrated patient care data, standardized practice variation and use of best practices, and supported the delivery of a seamless continuum of patient care throughout the health system through CPOE.

Grant Number
UC1 HS015076
Principal Investigator(s)

Ambulatory Electronic Medical Record and Shared Access


Implements an emergency medical records system that will provide shared access to patient records across various community health care providers and incorporates electronic tools for prescription distribution and management.

Grant Number
UC1 HS016128
Principal Investigator(s)

Rural Trial of Clinic Order Entry with Decision Support


Assessed the value of a computerized clinic order entry tool in rural primary care practices for appropriateness of antimicrobial therapy for acute respiratory infections, frequency of hemoglobin A1c in diabetics, incidence of outpatient adverse drug events, and influenza vaccine immunizations.

Grant Number
R01 HS015413
Principal Investigator(s)

Comprehensive Information Technology (IT) Solution for Quality and Patient Safety


Implemented a series of new health information technologies in carefully staged processes over 2 years to include an Inpatient Pharmacy System, Electronic Medication Administration Record, Bar Coding System, and a CPOE System; evaluated the impact of these systems on safety, quality, and efficiency.

Grant Number
UC1 HS015236
Principal Investigator(s)

Evaluating the Impact of an ACPOE/CDS System on Outcomes


Implemented an ambulatory computer physician order entry (ACPOE) system with clinical decision support capabilities in an ambulatory, community-based, integrated health-system; evaluated the impact of the system both internally, on organizational processes and human factors, and externally, on patient safety as measured by medication errors and adverse drug events.

Grant Number
UC1 HS015319
Principal Investigator(s)

Crossing the Quality Chasm in Eastern Rural Kern County


Developed a regional collaborative and business plan for implementing health IT in a rural region; also conducted a telemedicine demonstration project to assess the barriers and issues of broad health IT intervention including telemedicine/teleradiology, scan/store medical record, chronic disease registry and personal health record, and linking the region's partners.

Grant Number
P20 HS015342
Principal Investigator(s)

Boone County Community Care Network


Designed a county-wide health information system that allowed health information sharing and permitted real-time order placement by hospitals, health departments, private physicians' offices, clinics, and long-term care facilities.

Grant Number
P20 HS015286
Principal Investigator(s)

Impact of Health Information Technology on Clinical Care


Evaluated the effects of staggered installation of an Epic health IT system that includes an EMR with provider order entry and clinical decision support in primary care settings on quality, safety, and resource use within a large integrated delivery system on cohort of 780,000 members with chronic illnesses.

Grant Number
R01 HS015280
Principal Investigator(s)