
Patient perceptions of an electronic-health-record-based rheumatoid arthritis outcomes dashboard: A mixed-methods study.

Principal Investigator

A step-by-step roadmap for the development and deployment of an electronic health record sidecar application that tracks patient outcomes: The RA PRO dashboard.

Principal Investigator

"Am I OK?" using human centered design to empower rheumatoid arthritis patients through patient reported outcomes.

Principal Investigator

Using the technology acceptance model to assess clinician perceptions and experiences with a rheumatoid arthritis outcomes dashboard: Qualitative study.

Principal Investigator

Work system barriers and facilitators of a team health information technology.

Principal Investigator

An evidence-based framework for creating inclusive and personalized mHealth solutions-designing a solution for Medicaid-eligible pregnant individuals with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes.

PA-20-070 Integrating Patient-Reported Outcomes into Routine Primary Care: Monitoring Asthma Between Visits – Supplement Final Report

Principal Investigator

Integrating Patient-Reported Outcomes into Routine Primary Care: Monitoring Asthma Between Visits – Final Report

Principal Investigator

Building and Implementing a Predictive Decision Support System Based on a Proactive Full Capacity Protocol to Mitigate Emergency Department Overcrowding Problems


This research will use deep learning models to move a reactive full capacity protocol (FCP) for emergency department (ED) overcrowding interventions into a proactive FCP by predicting patient flow measures so that interventions may be activated to avoid ED overcrowding.

Grant Number
R21 HS029410
Principal Investigator(s)