Medication Management System

CCHS-East Huron Hospital CPOE Project


Created an information management environment that integrated patient care data, standardized practice variation and use of best practices, and supported the delivery of a seamless continuum of patient care throughout the health system through CPOE.

Grant Number
UC1 HS015076
Principal Investigator(s)

Comprehensive Information Technology (IT) Solution for Quality and Patient Safety


Implemented a series of new health information technologies in carefully staged processes over 2 years to include an Inpatient Pharmacy System, Electronic Medication Administration Record, Bar Coding System, and a CPOE System; evaluated the impact of these systems on safety, quality, and efficiency.

Grant Number
UC1 HS015236
Principal Investigator(s)

Electronic Communications Across Provider Settings


Integrated an office-based EMR within an acute care hospital, rural community health centers, a community mental health center, a family medicine residency, private physician practices, and a home nursing service for improving use of the EMR as a clinical tool, integrate clinical data, and increase access to the data.

Grant Number
P20 HS015414
Principal Investigator(s)

Planning for a Rural Prescription Medication Network


Developed a shared electronic repository for patient-level prescription medication data that enables real-time access for patients receiving health care services and plans a model system designed to electronically link prescription medication data across hospitals and physician practices.

Grant Number
P20 HS015327
Principal Investigator(s)

Electronic Medication Management


This study evaluated the effectiveness of an electronic medication reconciliation intervention by comparing outcomes pre- and post-implementation in six community-based primary care clinics and two inpatient facilities.

Grant Number
R03 HS018250
Principal Investigator(s)