
Downstream emergency department and hospital utilization comparably low following in-person versus telemedicine primary care for high-risk conditions.

Principal Investigator

Primary care telemedicine and care continuity: Implications for timeliness and short-term follow-up healthcare.

Principal Investigator

"Complete and accurate, and warmhearted too": Telemedicine experiences and care needs of Mandarin-speaking patients with limited English proficiency.

Principal Investigator

Evaluation of an intrahospital telemedicine program for patients admitted with COVID-19: Mixed methods study.

Principal Investigator

Comparison of short-term health care utilization between telemedicine-delivered vs in-person care visits for heart failure.

Principal Investigator

Patient perceptions of audio-only versus video telehealth visits: A qualitative study among patients in an academic medical center setting.

Principal Investigator

School-Based Tele-Physiatry Assistance for Rehabilitative and Therapeutic Services (STARS) for Children with Special Health Care Needs Living in Rural and Underserved Communities - Final Report

Principal Investigator