
A Novel Patient-Facing Mobile Platform to Collect and Implement Patient-Reported Outcomes and Voice Biomarkers in Underserved Adult Patients with Asthma


This research will enhance an existing mobile platform to support self-management and shared decision making for those with asthma. Researchers will use patient-reported outcomes and calculate a Respiratory Symptoms Risk Score using voice biomarkers, with the aim of improving outcomes. 

Grant Number
R21 HS028892
Principal Investigator(s)

Collaboration-Oriented Approach to Controlling High Blood Pressure (COACH)


This research will refine an existing interoperable, patient-facing blood pressure control tool--the Collaboration Oriented Approach to Controlling High Blood Pressure (COACH) application--evaluate its implementation into three diverse clinical settings; conduct a randomized trial to assess its impact on lowering blood pressure; and develop a shareable, interoperable mechanism to aid in the dissemination of patient-facing clinical decision support tools.

Grant Number
R18 HS028579
Principal Investigator(s)

Telehealth Education for Asthma Connecting Hospital and Home (TEACHH)


This research will study the implementation of Telehealth Education for Asthma Connecting Hospital and Home (TEACHH), a novel intervention designed to provide an effective asthma educational platform appropriate for all health literacy levels. The intervention includes initial instruction in the hospital and reinforcement at home using virtual visits to reduce barriers to self-management support for children who are hospitalized due to asthma.

Grant Number
R03 HS028033
Principal Investigator(s)